The Benefit of Private Clarinet Lessons
Private lessons greatly benefit students of all ages, especially at the very beginning of learning a musical instrument, but also at any...
Tips for parents of first year clarinet students
Is your child starting clarinet this school year? Are you wondering where to get an instrument? Or maybe you have an old clarinet to pass...
Time to get that clarinet out of the case!
Time to get that clarinet out of the case and start practicing!! Summer is just about over, and the new academic year is beginning soon....
Effective and Efficient Practicing Tips for Clarinet Students
Get Focused for your practice session Set up in a quiet room away from distractions - turn off the computer, TV, cell phone. Gather all...
Creating An Optimal Practice Environment For Your Child
Set up a dedicated space for effective and efficient practice Remove distractions that affect your child’s ability to focus An optimal...
The benefits of student music auditions
I like to encourage all my clarinet students to participate in district and state band auditions each year. Music auditions are a great...
Got and old band instrument?
Do you still have your band instrument from college or high school? Take it out of the case and start playing again! It's never too late!...
The Benefits of Private Music Lessons
Private lessons greatly benefit students of all ages, especially at the very beginning of learning a musical instrument. Learning to play...
Preparing for Auditions and Recitals
I have several students preparing for upcoming auditions and recitals right now. Students often get nervous during this time. A comment...
Practice right after your lesson, but not right before.
You had a great lesson and covered a lot of new material. The next day you begin your practice can't quite remember what the...